
أحدث المواضيع

إليك مجموعة من الدروس التي سوف تنمي مستواك في اللغة الانجليزية

عرض الرسائل ذات التصنيف farعرض الكل
The 10,000 most important sentences, words and verbs to learn any language
بهترین برنامه زبان سال 2023
The translation application that must be in the phone of everyone who learns the language
Translate any text or signboard just by using the camera
How did the smart translation app finally solve my problem with language?
 The Free inclusive translation app in your hands
 A Solution To All Your Translation Issues
تمام مکالماتی که برای شروع یادگیری زبان نیاز دارید
Learn a new language in your sleep
Download these conversations depending on your preferred language
After downloading this application, you will see the difference in your level of language